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  • anniesmithsmiles

Fasting with Apple Cider Vinegar - A new trend that can seriously damage your teeth.

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

I saw a patient recently, it had been five years since her last visit with me. She had moved away and hadn't managed to see a dentist in that time. She had just moved back to my area and developed dental pain so booked an appointment. I was distressed to see that most of her molar teeth were decayed, some beyond repair. I had her previous dental x-rays and records to hand which and no cavities or problems were present at that time.

When I asked the patient what had changed she said she is the healthiest she has ever been. She hasn't been snacking, she's not drinking alcohol, no fizzy drinks and no sugar in her hot drinks.

Eventually we stumbled upon the most probable cause. As part of her 'healthy' diet, she regularly fasts. During her fasting periods she can only consume water or apple cider vinegar. She mentioned that in these fasting periods she continuously sips the apple cider vinegar.

There may be some proven health benefits with apple cider vinegar but it should only be used for cooking and consumed at meal times. It lowers the pH in your mouth, softening your enamel, allowing it to be eroded away and facilitating dental decay. Consumed in the way my patient was using it, the dental damage will far outweigh any potential health benefit.

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